A specific software is known and can be used 5 1 IWA International Standard Water Balance The first step in NRW management is to understand what happens to the water once it enters the network, using the correct Performance Indicators.. Totype software for establishing water balances that is based 5 0 Overview The water balance and all its components as developed by IWA are explained in detail.
• Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is the difference between system input volume and billed authorised consumption.. The WB-easyCalc software is presented for calculating the water balance The software is available at the lesson and can be tested.. The concept is based on the work of the IWA Water Loss Task Force (WLTF) Drawing on best practice from many countries, the IWA WLTF produced an international ‘best practice’ standard approach for water balance calculations with definitions of all terms involved.
The figure below shows the IWA standard international water balance and terminology.. NRW consists of unbilled authorised consumption (usually a minor component of the water balance) and water Losses.
IWA standard international water balance and terminology] The definitions of the principal components of the IWA water balance are as follows: • System input volume is the annual volume input to that part of the water supply system • Authorised Consumption is the annual volume of metered and non-metered water taken by registered customers, the water supplier, and others who are implicitly or explicitly authorised to do so (e. 0041d406d9